
Camper storage Helmholtzstraat

Camper storage Helmholtzstraat in Dordrecht has one hundred spaces for storing campers.

This location is minutes from motorway A16, making the N3 and A15 easy to drive to. The camper storage is on the second floor, so your camper is dry. The complex is closed with an automatic entrance gate and there is camera surveillance. The stables are accessible 24/7 with a unique access pass. Each tenant has their own parking space.


The parking spaces are eight metres long and three metres wide. In addition, all motorhome sites have their own electricity connection. Drinking water taps and chemical toilet emptying are available. The parking spaces are suitable for motorhomes, as well as caravans, vintage cars, boats and other vehicles.

Multibox Helmholtzlaan Dordrecht

Sign up for our camper storage at Helmholtzstraat in Dordrecht

Please fill in your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Benefits MULTIBOX motorhome sites Helmholtz Straat:

Good accessibility from Zeeland, North Brabant and South Holland

24/7 accessible

Fixed private parking space

Access control through unique access card

Camera surveillance throughout the entire complex

Power connection of 220V per parking space

New and well-maintained complex

Water tapping

Emptying of chemical toilet

Sign up for our camper storage at Helmholtzstraat in Dordrecht

Please fill in your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there RV spots of various sizes?

Yes, our camper stalls have spaces in the dimensions:

6 meters long x 3 meters
8 meters x 4 meters
8 meters x 3 meters
9 meters x 3 meters
10 meters x 3 meters
12 meters x 3 meters

How was the stall price determined?

The parking price is determined based on the total length of the RV space. In addition, our price is determined based on the level of amenities in our RV parking facilities. And the length of the parking period also affects the price.

What is the minimum contract length for an RV spot?

The minimum contract term is 1 year. After this year, the rental period will continue for a term of one year each time, with 3 months' notice.

Should I report it when I go to my RV spot?

You don't have to report it. All of our RV storage facilities are accessible at all times: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How can I enter the camper storage?

The electric access gate can be opened with your personal access pass. The camper storage is not accessible to third parties.

What to do if I lose my RV parking access pass?

You must report this within 24 hours via the website. Cost is €50.

Is there electricity at my RV spot?

Each camper spot is equipped with electricity as standard. You have your own electricity meter that registers your consumption. So you only pay for what you have consumed.


Interested in our camper storage?

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Kerkeplaat, Dordrecht
Helmholtzstraat, Dordrecht
Oude-Tonge, Oude-Tonge